Pokoj 1

Kapacita: 5 - 6 osob

60 m2. Více informací od poskytovatele: The house was built in local style. Family friendly and comfortable, we have set up homes. To this end a magical location, amidst meadows or in the winter buried in snow, where they go with the skis to the doorstep. The ideal starting point in the summer and winter. Its a flat with 3 bedrooms, kitchen and living room together, the bathroom is modern with a towel radiator. Its quiet, with a beautiful view. The flat is on the first floor and has a panoramic balcony around two sides of the house. The living space has 63 m2. 6 people can stay. If you have some questions, please let me know. Included: Heating/electricity, cleaning, bed linen & towels, WLAN.

Aktuální termíny

možné obsazení pokoje: 5 osob, 6 osob

Termíny a ceny za osobu při obsazení pokoje 6 osobami

Strava: bez stravy

29.3.25 (so) - 5.4.25 (so)7 nocíbez stravy6 osob7.002,- Kč
7.605,- Kč