Pokoj 1

Kapacita: 3 - 4 osoby

40 m2. Více informací od poskytovatele: Apartment in the Hotel Schweizerhof. Quiet, idyllic location, balcony with a nice view. Hotel infrastructure includes a wellness area: swimming pools and sauna area can be used free of charge. Very centrally located, perfect base for downhill or cross-country skiing. 1½ -room vacation apartment in the Hotel Schweizerhof with a living room with places for two to four people to sleep (a new double bed and a new sofa bed for 2 persons); open kitchen with an oven; balcony; parking spot in the underground garage; ski and snowboard room; heated pool with a sauna, bio-sauna and steam bath. - free use: family pool | outdoor pool with whirlpool (heated) & steam bath | ski and snowboard room of the Hotel Schweizerhof | sports pool in the Hotel Lenzerhorn.

Aktuální termíny

možné obsazení pokoje: 3 osoby, 4 osoby

Termíny a ceny za osobu při obsazení pokoje 3 osobami

možné délky pobytu: 3 noci, 4 noci, 7 nocí

Strava: bez stravy

23.3.25 (ne) - 26.3.25 (st)3 nocibez stravy3 osoby8.129,- Kč
8.967,- Kč
30.3.25 (ne) - 2.4.25 (st)3 nocibez stravy3 osoby8.129,- Kč
8.967,- Kč
6.4.25 (ne) - 9.4.25 (st)3 nocibez stravy3 osoby8.129,- Kč
8.967,- Kč
13.4.25 (ne) - 16.4.25 (st)3 nocibez stravy3 osoby8.967,- Kčrezervovat
1.6.25 (ne) - 4.6.25 (st)3 nocibez stravy3 osoby8.168,- Kč
8.967,- Kč
8.6.25 (ne) - 11.6.25 (st)3 nocibez stravy3 osoby8.168,- Kč
8.967,- Kč
15.6.25 (ne) - 18.6.25 (st)3 nocibez stravy3 osoby8.168,- Kč
8.967,- Kč