Ubytování Švýcarsko
Ubytování Bern a okolí
Ubytování St. Stephan
- 1
Pokoj 1
Kapacita: 3 - 4 osoby
70 m2. Více informací od poskytovatele: Beautiful 2-Bedroom apartment in a traditional Swiss Chalet. Idyllic location with great views, tastefully furnished. Large comfortable living room with open fireplace. Ideally situated for walking, skiing or simply relaxing. In summer nice swimming area.
Freshly renovated ground floor apartment, large comfortable living room, eating area, open fireplace, sofa bed, TV, DVD player and Internet access. 2 double bedrooms, small kitchen with coffee machine, microwave and cooking facilities. Public transport included in the Simmental and Saanenland with the SIMMENTAL CARD: Overnight guests in the Lenk-Simmental holiday region travel free of charge on public transport for excursions with a valid guest card.
Incl. Internet (Wifi), electricity, water, heating, garage, bathroom- and kitchen towels, bed linen, final cleaning, as well as a basket full of firewood. Excl. Firewood after the first basket.
Aktuální termíny
možné obsazení pokoje:
3 osoby,
4 osoby
Termíny a ceny za osobu při obsazení pokoje 4 osobami
možné délky pobytu:
4 noci,
7 nocí
Strava: bez stravy
Termín | Délka | Strava | Obsazení | Cena/osoba | |
18.6.25 (st) - 22.6.25 (ne) | 4 noci | bez stravy | 4 osoby | 6.954,- Kč 7.400,- Kč | rezervovat |