Pokoj 1

Kapacita: 1 - 2 osoby

30 m2. Více informací od poskytovatele: Beautiful, renovated 1.5 room apartment for 2 persons (30m2) in a chalet with 2 apartments, in a central location and in the immediate vicinity of the leisure and sports arena and the bus station. Living room and bedroom with a double bed, sitting area, cable TV and dining table. Kitchen with oven, coffee machine, raclette grill and fondue set. 1 bathroom with shower / WC and hairdryer. Balcony with beautiful mountain view, parking at the house. No pets, non smoking apartment. All linen (sheets, bedsheets, kitchen linen and bath towels) available.

Aktuální termíny

možné obsazení pokoje: 1 osoba, 2 osoby

Termíny a ceny za osobu při obsazení pokoje 2 osobami

možné délky pobytu: 3 noci, 4 noci, 7 nocí

Strava: bez stravy

6.4.25 (ne) - 9.4.25 (st)3 nocibez stravy2 osoby4.245,- Kč
4.613,- Kč
13.4.25 (ne) - 16.4.25 (st)3 nocibez stravy2 osoby4.245,- Kč
4.613,- Kč
14.9.25 (ne) - 17.9.25 (st)3 nocibez stravy2 osoby3.775,- Kčrezervovat
5.10.25 (ne) - 8.10.25 (st)3 nocibez stravy2 osoby3.552,- Kč
3.775,- Kč
12.10.25 (ne) - 15.10.25 (st)3 nocibez stravy2 osoby3.552,- Kč
3.775,- Kč
19.10.25 (ne) - 22.10.25 (st)3 nocibez stravy2 osoby3.360,- Kč
3.575,- Kč
7.12.25 (ne) - 10.12.25 (st)3 nocibez stravy2 osoby4.332,- Kč
4.613,- Kč
14.12.25 (ne) - 17.12.25 (st)3 nocibez stravy2 osoby4.332,- Kč
4.613,- Kč
1.2.26 (ne) - 4.2.26 (st)3 nocibez stravy2 osoby5.238,- Kčrezervovat
8.2.26 (ne) - 11.2.26 (st)3 nocibez stravy2 osoby5.238,- Kčrezervovat