Pokoj 1

Kapacita: 7 - 8 osob

150 m2. Více informací od poskytovatele: The chalet Bärggeist is 5 minutes away from the village. The cable car station and the hiking area are 300 meters away. The 6.5 apartment comprises the first and the second floor of the chalet. Large windows, feature fireplace. Large balcony with view onto the mountains and the World Cup slope. 2 beds out of 10 are in a small room under the roof. 2 parkings. Pets are not allowed. Firewood: CHF 25.00.

Aktuální termíny

možné obsazení pokoje: 7 osob, 8 osob

Termíny a ceny za osobu při obsazení pokoje 8 osobami

Strava: bez stravy

5.4.25 (so) - 12.4.25 (so)7 nocíbez stravy8 osob7.306,- Kčrezervovat